Hormonal Blood Screening
Do I have Hormonal Imbalance?
Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance
(Women) Menstrual irregularities / Pain / vaginal dryness
(Men) Erectile dysfunction
Sleeping disturbances
Easily fatigue / Low energy
Excessive acne
Mood swings
Muscle aches
Poor memory/concentration
Reduce sexual performance
Obesity / Weight gain
Balding problem
Anxiety and depression
Complications of Hormonal Imbalance
Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance
(Women) Menstrual irregularities / Pain / vaginal dryness
(Men) Erectile dysfunction
Sleeping disturbances
Easily fatigue / Low energy
Excessive acne
Mood swings
Muscle aches
Poor memory/concentration
Reduce sexual performance
Obesity / Weight gain
Balding problem
Anxiety and depression
Complications of Hormonal Imbalance
As with other diseases, hormonal imbalance can be easily treated at its early stage. But if ignored, the condition will deteriorate and eventually lead to a life-threatening disease.
The Importance of Hormonal Blood Testing
To Prevent:
Eating incorrect supplements causing overload to the liver and kidneys
Heart and internal organs fail prematurely -
Mental degeneration
Overall health deterioration
- Anxiety and depression
Queen’s Hormonal Blood Screening:
Can be done at any time.
Fasting not required.